Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The other day as I walked into work our boss had a pre-shift meeting. A fellow employee and his wife had a baby 2 weeks ago and the mother had complications. Apparently after birth she acquired a blood clot in her brain. She died two nights ago.
I cannot even begin to imagine what this man is going through right now. This was their fourth child so now he has a 2 week old and 3 others with no mom and a funeral to plan. With my wife being pregnant as well it hits home hard. I do not know him that well as he works a different shift than I, but I feel for him as I am sure you all do after just hearing about it. I would just like to ask all of you to maybe say a little prayer for him and his family.
Mitch my deepest sympathies to you.


  1. Oh, man. It's scary how precious and fragile life is, and how often we take it for granted.

  2. that is horrible and scary. Last year Daves firend had the same thing happen with the same amount of kids. it was te hospitals fault for mis diagnosing. his wife died like a week after giving birth. so sad.
